Rollout Project

Do you have Snowie 4 or Gnu BG?

The Backgammon Openings project is going strong. Book A has been released (Backgammon Openings and Buy the New Book). Currently, Book 1 and Book B are being written.

We still need help with rollouts. If you would like to be involved in this exciting project, please contact Nack Ballard at There is no commitment, no obligation. You can stop any time.

We thank those who help us with the rollouts in the Acknowledgment section of each book and give complimentary copies to the five volunteers who do the most rollouts. This is a standing offer for every book in this series. Participants are also periodically sent instructive analyses (on positions rolled out).

We are rolling out some fascinating and controversial positions, and participants are learning a lot! We all look forward to you joining us.

— Nack Ballard and Paul Weaver (Authors)